
Guitarist and composer, actively working at finding new sounds in collaboration

He has since worked in a variety of projects and had his own including - Xhud (ʃuːt) - a project combining emotional and rhythmical music with live visuals as well as - The Ebbin’ & Flow - a collaboration with Jess Rymer exploring Maltese and Yorkshire folklore and narratives through two distinct musical approaches.

The previous went on to participate and get second place in JazzDanmark's 2020 JazzKonkurrencen where it got second place. The group recorded an album and continued to explore the combination of mediums.

In 2017, he was chosen for an intercultural residency in France led by Fabrizio Cassol where his interest in Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean music developed. In 2018, a collaboration with British composer Jess Rymer saw him diving into experimental and electronic music. This was followed by his participation in the New York Jazz Masters, of which experience brought him even closer to the jazz tradition.

Whilst practicing his musical craft, both locally and overseas, he was called once again for another residency with Fabrizio Cassol, which accounted to further skill development and discovery of new musical approaches within the art. In 2020 he launched a new project collaborating with musicians from Aalborg. He is currently furthering his studies at the Royal College of Music in Aalborg, Denmark.



I occasionally send out emails with a few lines and a bit of news that might be of interest.